Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Teeth hurting?

My orthodonist had to sand down my teeth because they are very sharp and pointy so they would avoid hitting the bracket and the bracket falling off. When he did this sanding he would hit certain spots on my teeth that would send chills down my whole body. I imagine that's what getting a hole in your teeth feels like. (I've never had a cavity) Whenever I eat and I hit those certain spots I get that same chill down my back. I would say that my teeth take a long time to grow and are small for my age (14). I don't know anything about teeth but do you think he hit my enamel or something what causes these chills/pains??

Teeth hurting?
Your teeth are hooked onto nerve endings in your gums. They are very sensitive and if your dentist filed so much that caused a hole, then that would definitely make your teeth hurt, and even cause headaches. To me, I don't think your dentist should have done that. Your adult teeth are already in and there is no correcting his mistake unless you get a filling or something to cover that hole. I would go to a different dentist and get a second opinion about the work your current dentist did, and if I were you this could be cause for malpractice law suit. From what you said, he ruined your teeth.

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