Sunday, August 2, 2009

Other teeth affected from wisdom tooth extraction?

My gums are really swollen around the tooth next to the hole where my wisdom tooth was. I've been really good about rinsing with salt water after meals and brushing/flossing the teeth that I can get to. Is it normal for your gums to swell like that a week and a half after the extraction? My wisdom teeth holes have gone down in swelling... but it's just around this one molar now. Should I just keep taking Motrin to try to reduce the swelling?

Other teeth affected from wisdom tooth extraction?
I had this happen to me on an upper wisdom tooth extration, and it turned out that part of my jaw had a small fracture and a sliver of the bone had become lodged in the gum. Once the piece of bone had been removed, the swelling and pain in my gums went away almost immediately. I don't know if this is what is happening with you, but you should check with your dentist to make sure whatever the problem is is taken care of.
Reply:Keep using the salt water rinse, but give your dentist a call.
Reply:Try baking soda rinses or vinegar rinses

If it gets too irritated, put a tea bag on it.


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