Friday, July 31, 2009

Brushing Teeth 2 Much?

Hi a few days ago i found out i was getting bondings on my teeth to hide a few gaps.My teeth are already white...(Not pitch white but id say half of that) and i know that once the bondings are on they stay on and stay that colour so since i found out i was getting them ive been brushing my teeth like crazy (twice a day 2 minutes in the moring and literaly half a hour at night) to get them whiter ivce also used crest white strips and yeah my teeth are becoming alot whiter but....

Is this bad for my teeth and if it is what can this cause????

Thanks, =)

Brushing Teeth 2 Much?
You're setting yourself up for problems. If you whiten your teeth before the bonding, your bonding will then be the color of your temporarily whitened teeth, and not your actual natural tooth color. This means you will have to keep whitening forever to prevent the bondings from becoming visible against your natural teeth. That much whitening will eventually damage your teeth.
Reply:You can brush your teeth too much. That's why they recommend you only brush your teeth for 2 minutes. The longer you brush them the more fluoride you take off of them.
Reply:Brushing as long as you are describing is not good for the gums. It can cause your gums to recede so that the roots of your teeth are exposed, which can make them more vulnerable to cavities, or lead to the teeth loosening.

Brushing is really just to loosen food and tartar so that it doesn't build up. Flossing and swishing mouthwash will do as much good as all that brushing and is easier on the gums.
Reply:You cant brush your teeth too much, but you can cause damage by brushing them improperly. Make Sure you don't use a scrubbing motion and only use moderate pressure. Also make sure that the bristles are wet before you start brushing so they aren't stiff and rigit, this can be very abraisive. The hands down best route is to get an electric brush. The motion they provide is ideal, I recommend Phillips Sonicare or Braun Oral-B. Don't forget to floss!!
Reply:Whitening is fine, excessively brushing your teeth isn't going to really whiten them and you could actually cause harm to your gums if you are brushing too aggressively. Once you've finished your white strips, go in for the bonding......they will match the bonding colour to your tooth colour at that time. You may have to use the white strips again every now and then to maintain the colour especially if you're a coffee drinker, etc. but may not have to use the whole series ie: just do it for a few days now and then. Whitening toothpastes, I find, work best to PREVENT stain from adhering to the tooth so they would be good to keep up the maintenance after the bonding is put on.

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