Saturday, July 25, 2009

Very important question about teeth!!!?

2 of my molars r chipped. 1 of them on the left side of my mouth chipped about 1/4 of it off about 3 years ago and didnt get it fixed. i just started chewing with my rite side but the tooth eventually kept chipping slowly by slowly. then just 2day i was eating sum crutons and a molar on my rite side chipped a lil bit. not as bad as my left but a chip is a chip. i have not had my wisdom teeth pulled and sumtimes i get a VERY sharp pain in the tooth that was chipped on my left side. i drank a glass of milk everyday but this ive been skipping milk on and off. also i have a very hectic shcedule and dont always have a chance 2 brush my teeth. the tooth that chipped on my rite side 2day has a tooth growing directly under it and i dont remember ever losing the chipped tooth wen i was younger. WATS MAKING MY TEETH CHIP?? wat should i do 2 prevent it from happening again?? help plz

Very important question about teeth!!!?
It sounds like you might wanna see a dentist. Apart from that, nutritional deficiencies can often be reflected in weak teeth. The calcium in dairy milk may help but you can do a lot of other stuff to improve your diet ie. staying away from desserts/candy, drinking vegetable juices, taking Kyolic capsules (a brand of garlic contained in tablet form), rubbing clove oil along your gums (I hear this works great), and drinking pineapple juice. pineapple is supposed to be very good for the teeth. All these factors will combine to give your body the nutrients it's probably starving for.
Reply:milk won't help

brush your teeth 2 times per day and floss once per day

your teeth are probably chipping because they have cavities in them

see a dentist
Reply:You can't really do much to prevent chipping---it just happens sometimes.

The sharp pain may be an infection, so you need to see a dentist ASAP. He can fill in the chipped areas, which will help keep them from getting worse. You also sound like you need to squeeze some time in your schedule to BRUSH twice a day. It only takes a minute--get up a minute earlier or something!

And get a cleaning every 6 months--the sooner a problem is found, the easier it is to fix!
Reply:The pain in your left chipped tooth could be a cavity and possibly your root is damaged. You need to brush your teeth at least twice a day, floss everyday, and if you want, use a fluoride rinse before you go to bed (after you brush and floss!). You need to see a dentist about the chipped teeth, they can reinforce the tooth so that it won't chip anymore. Oh, and you should get your teeth cleaned twice a year by the dentist.

Plant question

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