Saturday, July 25, 2009

Teeth roots in sinuses - chronic pain?

For several years I suffered with massive headaches around one eye and it was thought to be migraines. Had all the meds but nothing really worked. Had the very back tooth removed on the top left hand side and the headaches stopped. (not wisdom teeth though, none have ever come through). A couple of days ago, the headaches came back and I almost thought I was having a stroke last night. My hearing on one side is impaired, my face is throbbing and the teeth feel weird. Went to the dentist tonight and she said that the roots of my teeth on that side are so deeply imbedded into my sinuses, this is causing the pain, headaches etc and that it is causing my ear to fill with fluid. She said they were surprisingly deep. I've got anitibiotics but this just sucks. Anyone else gone through this or have any ideas of how to combat the pain and headaches? My face is just throbbing and the pain around my eye is driving me insane, have taken every OTC painkiller and it's not working!


Teeth roots in sinuses - chronic pain?
I can give you my story. I am 48 years old. For years I had the very same type of pain you have. For years I thought it was my teeth. I would have such extreme pain that the pain would drive me to the Doctor telling them I was sure I had a sinus infection. When they would give me antibiotics. My ears would clog up where I couldn't hear.

I had all my teeth pulled and dental implants placed. Thinking my sinus issues were a thing of the past I was stunned when I still had the same pain. Now I feared something had went wrong with my implants. They ran a CT scan and told me I had Chronic Sinusitis. The ENT wanted to do sinus surgery on me. The ENT told me he wasn't even sure the surgery would help. After doing some research I heard that many who have sinus surgery often is more messed up than before.

I was reading a forum and people were talking about nasal rinses. Have you done this? It is where you use either a squirt bottle made for this or a little pot called a Neti-Pot and saline solution in it. I tried this and for the first time in my life I am pain free. If I have a hideous headache this will relieve the pain especially if I catch it right away. I do not even have to take tylenol anymore. Ibuprofen doesn't work on me anymore because I have taken it so often I have what is called a rebound affect and the ibuprofen causes me more pain and nausea which also could be a problem for you if you take it often.

Can't say if my suggestion would help you but it did me and I am glad I didn't have surgery.
Reply:I wonder if you have trigeminal nerve neuralgia. Do a web search and see if your symptoms match up.
Reply:sounds like you have a few things going on, just like me

first, it does sound like you have might have sinus problems which otc pain meds will not help acually the best thing otc is advil and bendryl you might also try a nettie pot (it's so simple it's scarry) you can get one at drug store, you might have TMJ/TMD from having your back teeth removed and your bite being off now, you might consider a soft mouth peice. now you might also have meniere's disease(google) it's where you et fluid buildup in the ear and it causes pain,and hearing loss, dizzyness, and ringing or noise or fullness in the ears you can also lose your balance during this time. the menieres comes and goes, you need to take advil and put hot/warm hear on ear, neck and other pain areas. other pain can cause the meniers to come on, ie, a headache, shouldar, back pain etc...

shop around an find yourself a good dentist or orthodintist that specializes in TMJ/TMD, sleep if you can propped up . anitibotics will not help. did you see your xrays, don't want to undermine your doctor but there are alot of doctors out there that perscripe the wrong treatment and this will go on and on and you get no releif and lose all your money. check your house alos for allerigies, dust, animals's a visious cycle, I've been going through it since 1979. but doing so much beter with my own treatments but have had 4 surgeries 3 of which to fix the 1st one (long story) good luck and if you have more questions you can email me direct. sorry for the spelling, spell check is not working


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