Saturday, July 25, 2009

Wisdom teeth out tommorow words of encouragement please!?


A few hours ago i was called with a cancellation appiontment to have a wisdom tooth cut out and another tooth out that grew at the back of my front teeth.

I am totally bricking it, not the pain, that i can handle .Its the thought of the kind of anaestetic they give u and also the though of them knocking my front teeth out by accident!

My stomach is in knots, i have an image of me coming out with a face like the elephat man and no front teeth!!!!

Any advice on recovery? how long, what should i eat etc!


Wisdom teeth out tommorow words of encouragement please!?
I just recently, one week ago today, had all four of my wisdom teeth removed. And like you are right now I was in complete anxiety in the days leading up to my appointment. I was worried about the needles, the drilling, the blood, (I read somewhere that some patients wake up and puke due to the amount of blood they swallow).

But the whole procedure went fine. Even kind of.. Relaxing. I was in a half awake, half asleep state. I was still capable of moving my legs and arms but my whole body felt like I had just received the best massage of my life. And, as soon as the anesthetics kick in you kind of just want to laugh at everything.

The after though is kind of rough. Get your pain killer prescription filed ASAP. You’ll need them when the numbness finally wears off. The things that bothered me the most after the first couple of days was the swelling, the food, and your other teeth become some-what sensitive. Now a week later I’m still not fully comfortable eating. (Today I had a sandwich and that proved to be difficult and annoying). But I’m bothered now only by the stitches.

What I was eating.. Campbells makes these soup at hands and lid has a convenient hole that allows you to pour it down your mouth. Its important not to use a straw or do any kind of sucking motion because it will bother the stitches or cause you to add pressure to your healing gums. Yogurt.. Little cups of fruit.. Applesauce..

Get some good pain meds, soup, a book and a couple of magazines, sit yourself in front of a TV and you’ll be ok.
Reply:Well honestly i had my teeth pulled on just novacane before i found out i was alergic. It did not hurt there was lots of pressure! Just concentrate on the thought of the problem being taken care of dont worry about anything else it is worth it TRUST ME!

Oh and you will think your face is swollen and it will feel like it but it wont be nearly as bad as you think! So relax and they are trained professionals they wont knock out your teeth LMAO!

Breath it will be ok!
Reply:the doctors will guide u thru it. just do what they say
Reply:Good luck in your operation but please remember throughout that there are so many people being put to sleep for other operations that have been told they may not even survive. So looking bad for a week aint that bad.
Reply:Had mine out last year, worried for about 3 months and even cried as I sat in the chair. I had the injection in the back of my hand so I felt drunk but could move my head if the dentist needed me to.

Ate after about 6 hours and wondered why I bothered stressing about it all those months.


(Good luck but I don't think you'll need it)
Reply:You will be fine, just trust them. I suffer from a rare heart problem, that means my heart used to speed up randomly, until I was given powerful drugs to start and restart it, I ended up having an emergency cauterization on my little ticker, and am booked in for a minor op on it in June. Believe me, my condition was nothing considering some of the poor sods I saw in the cardiac wards there, and they got through it, believe me, if this is all you have to worry about as far as ops go then you are a lucky bugger indeed.

Good luck, and you'll be fine.

I had all 4 wisdom teeth pulled on the same day. I went to a party that night with my 32 oz. Slurpee. There was some discomfort, but no real pain.

The anesthesia is actually kinda fun...
Reply:I had 3 out at once, one of them had to be Chiseled out, i had no felling on the left side of my tongue for 8 months.
Reply:Please don't panic! Easy to say I know - but dentistry these days is nothing like it used to be. I don't know how long it is since you had any dental work, but I promise you the anticipation of the visit is worse than the actual procedure. I don't know If you're having a general or local anaesthetic, but either way, you'll be ok. I've just had root canal work done - %26amp; I survived-no horror stories to tell, and that's supposed to be the worst dentaL experience of them all. Let us know how you get on. Eat soft food until you're comfortable with anything else. Good luck. ps.Vit C aids healing. 1000mg per day.
Reply:Dont worry its a piece of cake. i had a local anaesthetic, didn't feel a thing, was a bit tired when i got home, had a good nights sleep and went to work the next day. I had no pain. the dentist will will advise you on eating. Ask before you have the tooth out if they don't say.
Reply:You must take your antibiotics that are usually given for afterwards.I did'nt and boy did i suffer when an infection set in.You will be fine otherwise but you will have to eat mushy food for a few days and drink through a straw.Accept it has to be done and be logical about the procedure.Bye bye teeth.(don't forget to leave them under your pillow for the tooth fairy and as they are massive you should expect a fiver each.)Good luck.
Reply:You need to speak with your dentist %26amp; tell them of your concerns. Having teeth pulled is no big deal %26amp; as long as you follow EVERY SINGLE instruction they give you, you'll be fine. As for the anestesia, what are you worried about? I was knocked out for one wisdom tooth that I had pulled %26amp; awake for the second. What is the worry??

Just go in %26amp; get it over with. You'll be glad you did.
Reply:ouch.i had mine taken out and i was in bits after it.u poor ting.i got stiches too.hopefully ul b ok.neurofen plus are gr8 4 the pain after its over..
Reply:Does it have to come out? What about root canal. Be brave, you wont feel a thing with a good dentist applying the proper anesthesia. You know I had a procedure done yesterday, where I was "put under," and it was about the most perfect feeling I have had since I was born, like being aware, but quite unconcerned and painless. I think it was fun, believe me.
Reply:awww good're going to feel like crap for two days, but you'll make it!
Reply:Well i never did grow any wisdon teeth so i guess im the wrong one to answer this question! lol
Reply:Just remember this time to-morrow it will be all over. They know what they are doing. Just try and relax. Tell your dentist how afraid you are, these days they are very understanding. GOOD-LUCK.
Reply:Tell them your concerns and they will make sure you are put at ease. You can be put out if you want. It will be fine and I sure you be back eating normally in a couple days. Have soft foods. Nothing too hot or cold until numbness has worn off.
Reply:First off, DON'T WORRY! You'll be fine! I was TERRIFIED to get my teeth pulled and I had 5 teeth pulled 4 weeks ago. You should discuss sedation options with your dentist. I had high anxiety. I really needed to be completely out because even seeing what they were doing would totally freak me out. So, I asked them to knock me out! I'll tell ya about my experience:

An hour before my surgery, I took a perscription pain killer and two antibiotics. By the time I made it to the Dr's office, I was high as a kite :) I was feeling no pain! I immediately went in and they put the mask over my nose. I was awake and talking. Feeling kind of silly. The Dr. came in and told me that I'd feel a little pinch in my arm. The next thing I know, I was waking up at home in my bed! I don't remember a thing between the Dr. telling me about the pinch in my arm and making it back home!

After surgery, I was in NO PAIN. My face didn't swell AT ALL. I could still feel the effects of the Novocain because my bottom lip was numb. The Dr. perscribed Hydrocodone and I took it two days before the surgery, every 4 hours, like clockwork and I followed up with it after surgery as well. I slept a lot but I wasn't in any pain at all.

Your first few days, you'll want to eat soup or other soft foods that don't require a lot of chewing. I lived off Cream of Chicken because I didn't have to chew it. DO NOT USE STRAWS! They say the use of straws could cause the blood clot to dislodge from the surgical site and cause dry socket which is extremely painful and will require another visit to the dentist. I started eating more solid food about 4 days after surgery but you have to be really careful. It all depends on how well/fast you're healing.

Remember to do the salt water rinse and take your antibiotics and pain medication as prescribed so that you avoid pain and infection. I would set my alarm so that I could wake up in the middle of the night and take my pain medication. May be extreme but I'll tell ya, I was not in an ounce of pain.

It's now two weeks after my surgery and I'm back to eating cheeseburgers and chicken sandwiches. I'm in no pain at all. Never was. My face never got swollen. My only regret was waiting so long!

my cat

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